
Before We Die

Before We Die


Before we die

We must be sure

To read the

Book of Longing

Maybe together

Under an ancient

Yet still white

Foaming quilt  

And with a 

Rogue bough


Against the

Steamed up

Bedroom window

For I know

You would then

Be sure

To hold me tight


Of course

We would be

More than crazy

To try and read it

In the shower

While you were

Milking me

Beneath a layer

Of fine bubbles

And with that

Bloody bough

Still tapping on the

Bedroom window

In the key of F minor


Maybe then

It would make

More sense

To postpone our

Eventual coming

And dedicate these

Words instead

To Irving Layton or

Federico García Lorca

While allowing the

Storm to waste itself

On our behalf

And the bough

To break exhausted