
Perpetual Queasy Student Days


Decades since frittering like - yule
ne\'er believe me, boot true
lee, I wreck clues lee wasted
my life lock, stock, and barrel

as if there whiz no tomorrow,
this skein knee boy didst spool
away youth like some drool
ling doggone motley fool

while mutely dumbfounded taking -
as undeclared seriously gruel
ling studious favorite pursuit - duel
major space and time, believing

them tubby (out
of this world), and cool,
yet unbeknownst tummy then
more precious than any jewel,

hence this faux Einstein,
who got pool
lightly dubbed\"the quietest
student\", albeit still

underhandedly cuffed and cruel
moniker, nonetheless wool
worth being spot on,
though when within comfort

of home aye
yak act did mule
lush, non provoke\'n, neither tool
ling with smoke\'n,

funny weed, but more specifically
class (sic) self serving
as token passive non rule
breaker counted among

mysterious as Lemuel
unlike hundreds of
other rowdy seniors
constituting the nineteen

seventy seven graduating class
of Methacton High School,
this now mooch older non \"Warrior\"
(alma mater mascot) alumni -

of late more astute,
(yea rather boyish looking edging
into age bracket,
viz ranked as ole coot)

far to late for
me or any brute
to gather rose buds,
fat and/or slim

chance i.e. remote
while I may in my dreams
play Mozart\'s Magic flute
at this late stage of life,

no harvested crop yield,
nor any sown
healthy product rendered moot
(\'cept tantamount to rotten

tomatoes and fruit)
all, cuz your truly
did not give a hoot
\'bout his future,

later when the
requisite need for loot
would be absolutely necessary,
not necessarily to buy

a fine gold spun suit,
but more so to be financially
(non bombastically, egotistically,
nor inimitably) to toot

my own (baritone)
horn, no any which
ways appearing snoot
tush (more likely absent minded,

versus trying tubby astute),
no matter this myopic googly eyed
non-boastful logophile,
these days (lives duet

tough lee hand to mouth
existence) nearly destitute
his whole pro Lix life,
witnessed, and flaunted

(reed dit as) inked badge,
(regardless getting promoted,
but nearly failing every grade),
and ambivalent toward

dismal poor performance report cards
testament toward tummy
severely lacking ambition,
while analogously forced

to climb hemp fat tick rungs
jute dish shuss academic ladder,
no matter rope burns
squarely didst root

moost unfavorable outcome
to this wimp who mouthed
pop eyed expletive
conveying \"oh chute\",

whose then palm (olive)
oiled pilot size glute
more accurately boot
found me poor bum promoted
to higher baby boomer chair

despite favorably portentous signs
tubby potential vagrant,
who would lack self reliance,
nor give a hoot
to stitch survivalist parachute.