
To the first boy who hurt me

I was there for you

I picked you up when you fell

I was your rock

I cared when no one did

I held your hand through your worst

I held you close 

I was there for you


I loved you

And yet you still went and kissed some other girl

Simply because I wasn\'t willing to 

Go all the way with you

Then when I threaten to leave you stopped

Things went back to how they were when we started

Kind of... Not really.

You got aggressive

You started pushing me

Wanting more then just a kiss

Saying that my body was what you miss

And when I pushed you away 

You got mad

You would say I was a horrible girlfriend

Because I couldn\'t meet your so called needs

I would go home and cry

Ask myself why

Why couldn\'t a give this boy what he wants?

I was so young

I didn\'t understand that this wasn\'t love 

I didn\'t understand you forcing yourself on me wasn\'t love

I didn\'t know that you was just asking too much

You were my first real boyfriend

The longest relationship I have ever had

I loved you and you threw that away

Right in front of me

You were all I had ever known for a while 

You were the reason why I was scared for so long

You popping in and out of my life didn\'t help

You rubbed her in my face then begged me to take you back

While you were still with her, of course...

You\'re sick, twisted even.

You think you\'re entitled to me, no one else gets me but you

I\'m your property.... But that\'s not how it works

You don\'t own me

I\'m not some object up for bid

You can\'t have me because you don\'t deserve me

You hurt me beyond repair

You have scarred me for life

What you did no one can undo

It\'s another thing I have to drag with me, for the rest of my life

But that\'s okay

At least now I know how I should be treated