
A Girl Can Dream........ I do

\"They\'d only date me for my career.\" 

But not all of us, not the ones who really care. 

Not the ones who notice how your hair looks good no matter how you style it. 

Not all of us would care that you\'re famous and have thousands of fans. 

We care that you\'re smart and love Harry Potter, 

we care that no matter what state we\'re in, you somehow manage to always get a smile out of us. 

Some of us would date you for your adorable laugh that pulls out your dimples and eyes that light up with blue and gray streaks. 

Some of us would date you because you\'re funny and have the closest family in the world. 

Your mates are your brothers, your fans are your extended family. 

We want to date you for everything we love about you, your looks are just a bonus that didn\'t make us fall in love with you. 

We would love you for who you are, not what you do. 

Your personality, your humor, your way of lifting any broken heart. 

We wouldn\'t love you because you sing for a living. 

No, we would love you because we can\'t help it. 

We can\'t help running our fingers through your hair and staring for hours into your unflinching, lovable, bright eyes that glow with years of memories we want to talk about. 

We can\'t help noticing how much you love your family and what you would do for them. 

Not everyone can have you, 

but a girl can dream...........