New blood will flow
and breath exhale
—as my steps go far and wide
With verse out front
to lead the way
—to that promised other side
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Thunder To Rain
No time set aside
The words reformed
Again at their own pace
No place to reside
They’re written down
On a napkin or empty space
When I try to hide
They find me sure
In mountain or in plain
As new moments chide
The past adieu
—and thunder turns to rain
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Tears And Missteps
My words the result
of the times I’ve lived
not a classroom exercise
My feelings all paid
with the blood of my fears
not a rambling diatribe
My trail has been lined
with each tear and misstep
to mark the way ahead
My life a memory
telling a tale
—whose direction my soul has led
(Villanova Pennsylvania: November, 2018)