

I don\'t want to be here

No, I don\'t want to be there.

I want to go to a place called nowhere.

I\'ll lay in the pitch black room and stare...

Hoping that one day someone will genuinely care.

 Will they be in time to save me?

Or will I be emerged with doubt,

found in with a dark cloud that\'s pronounced.

I thought I found a way out...

So tired of these damn illusions.

I always attract the broken!

So many of thoughts of mine are unspoken.

My faith in everyone is low.

My open mind to everything is closing,

I feel tears rolling...

I\'m curled up under the blankets.

My eyes won\'t open for there are too many emotions.

Now im bound in this horrific moment... 

Although, deep down I don\'t want anyone to notice,

So I leave the pitch black room with a bright artificial smile.

No one sees the difference.

Their egocentric blinded eyes stop them from focusing.

Because with their problems, I deal.

I listen with my mouth sealed.

I\'ve learned that my input doesn\'t matter,

they have selective hearing.

Don\'t you dare say something that\'s unflattering.

I want everyone to leave me alone so I can heal,

My job here and there is to be the shoulder, it has been revealed.

My own emotions I don\'t want to feel.

I\'m so lost, nothing feels real.