Poetic Dan

Faith lost then returned like a boomerang

This morning my faith in humanity started to sink
Have I not paid enough for my own younger sins
Have I not loved and forgiven as any better man would
Should I forever be sorry for this pain I once caused
To see how I feel when my own past flashes up

Last night someone took a risk and a chance
Although on my drive in front of my window
My car was raided and they took money we\'d left in the glove box
My heart began to race feeling like we must of paid our debt by now
Could I not be given a break for all I\'m trying to give back
I don\'t charge as much as I should for my work
I always go over my allotted time and ask for no more
I give it all free if you meet me when I\'m out and about
Why do I deserve to be treated like this from life

Pulling it all together finding all the things that could of been worse
At least the car is there and my new bass box
Put a bike in the back to do the first job of the day
Such a wonderful older couple I\'ve been asked to help
We came to an arrangement for every day walks while her husband is recovering from knee surgery
I turn up still dealing with my morning stress
We have a little chat waiting for the dog to chill out
Get on with my ride and try to enjoy the sunshine
Get back to the customers house dogs tongue hanging out
As I go to leave the wonderful lady offers me extra
I try not to take but when I\'m told very firmly \"I insist, for all the help you\'re giving us.\"

My eyes start to water as I give her a hug, my faith was restored by one single act.
Again I apologise for thoses I have ever wronged, as I forgive those who wrong me.
In the moment of feeling such darkness inside, the universe showed me others still carry a light.
Now I sit knowing how much I love my life, hoping one day the lost souls that are running around at night will understand what truly living life is like.