Gary Edward Geraci

None Other Like It

How unique; this beauty of one soul. Its con-

Tours of lines, curves, and splines with summits and low

Hollows, like vibrant paints in oil; charcoal rubbed on

Paper; blue hues, bold, but ah! with streaks of yellow.

Rare, not one the same, yet, in pro and con,

Loved. While weak in will, weakened, passions we follow.

Street gutter gullies too broad to breach, base flow

Bridged “by conversion,” this counsel of John.


Placed in our Mother’s hand, now no gift exceeds.

Our dispenser of gifts our dispenser of grace,

Make haste; present this soul thus offered, its needs

And limitations, a spark that turns His Holy Face.

With a loving tender heart of mercy, Christ bleeds!

My soul: my gift - none other like it - my embrace.


-Gary Edward Geraci