Incessant tacking – one point;
Constantly moving off in the distance
The future?
Regardless, TACK, fill the sails,
Till they luff
The edge is the first sign
It whimpers
Adjust course before you lose
The momentum
Feel the sail bellow and crack
Filled with power
Pull hard on the tiller – HIKE
With all your might
Keep her under control
Just slightly under control
Her body moans and stretches
As you push her to her limits
Instinct tells you to push her harder
Fear ever present
But, she reassures you
She’s up for the challenge
You wrench down on the main
Her keel partially exposed
Rail in the water
She’s whispering – harder
Cranking the Jib, the sails nearly in line
10,000 pounds of lead and concrete
Nearly breaching the break
But she keeps her last tip in the water
Never fully exposing herself
Always in control
We slice through the rollers
Feeling like we are going at
The speed of sound
Her bow effortlessly dissecting the waves
Her rudder gently nudging me where she
Wants to go
Together you are one – You, the wind and the sea:
- The Trinity