
The Width of a Table

The Width of a Table


He could not help but notice her

Despite the obvious empty

Reserved table in no mans land

Between them

Of course she also had the waiter’s

Undivided attention

Which was not surprising

Given that she stood out like a

Beautiful sore thumb


He was also most impressed with

The way she held her fish knife

And later drew upon a Gauloises

A nice touch he thought

As some acquired reflex made him

Reach inside his jacket

Before remembering that he quit

Ten years or more ago


Then on making his way back

To the parking lot

He tossed the Alfa keys high

In the air and smiled

At his own reflection in the

Window of a Dry Cleaner on 

Station Road


He had caught her eye at least

And she smiled in his direction

Maybe next time or the next time

He hoped they might exchange

More than just a smile and those

Occasional glances thrown across

An empty table

That which perfectly divided them