Fay Slimm.




Seeing Through.


Bounded by laws,
often laid down by others\'
conventional duties and senses,
by breakage of scrupulous habits,
fastidiously notions of change,
we feel the need
to keep laying down blame.

Propriety ending every aim,
stony-souled dogmas
find easy adoption and often remain
chiseled in deeply.


When however, with reality
wholeness emerges,
of lightening thoughts throw
fresh water over
uncaring, insightfulness leaps
in awakened self-help
and conscience,
striving to see both sides,
dark and light of every event.


Seeing through former blinds clearly,
we find
evil is but merely a false
sort of reshaped reaction to tortured
good which, once derided,
decides to then harbour intended
thoughts of revenge.

Leaving behind
that ugly word \"Should\" we could
never again to condemn others
as hat-less
when a hood but lightly our own
bent head covers.


Conscience hits
crisis, and met, needs discerning
no longer
for when walking in shade
we face light
as something missed and judge
nobody evil
because they are not truly good