
The Experts Opinion.

You walk into the gallery with excitement,

Or with trepidation.

You never know what you are going to find,

Never know how you are going feel

With all these masterpieces around you.

Or are they master pieces?

With some you look and are drawn into their depths,

The artist pulls you into their minds

An artwork of such power that you get lost in its wonder.

With others you wonder why the artist bothered,

Such a waste of time and you just walk passed it.

So many types of art,

Some you like some you dislike.


Standing in front of a canvas

You declare what a load of rubbish!

The expert comes to you,

You ask what it is all about

And she replied with the most profound of answers;

“You should treat art the same as you would with books,

Or film or music,

You like what you like,

And bollocks to anyone who says you are wrong\"