
\"I Lost\"- Poem


Always tired

Nothing wired

I’m insane

Say I’m plain

Who’s been hired

Are we sired

Need a cane

I’m in pain


Played the game

Not the same

Rules apply

But they lie

Feeling shame

Who’s to blame

It’s a tie

All will sigh


Change my mind

Am I kind

I have lost

There’s a cost

Can I find

Left behind

Feeling frost

They accost


Please don’t leave

They deceive

I am scared

We’ve been paired

It’s my peeve

They will weave

Have we cared

Love’s not shared


The story’s told

It was sold

Now been said

We need fed

I am cold

In I fold

Made of lead

Skin is shed


Showed my side

I have cried

They don’t see

What\'s in me

I confide

Love had died

Hear my cree

Take a knee


Feel alone

I don’t own

Try to shine

Things I pine

It was shown

I’ve been sewn

Say I’m fine



Nothing left

Felt a theft

It’s now gone

Sword was drawn

Wasn’t deft

It\'s bereft

Just a pawn

Dark has spawn


Took it all

No one saw

Fake a smile

It’s my style

It\'s the law

Need to thaw

Turn the dial

Lose the trial


Iḿ not good

Thought I could

Guess we’re none

They have shun

Here I stood

Knew they would

It is done

They have won