
Rewards For The Righteous

Tune: Little Cornard

(\'Hills of the north, rejoice\')

Malachi 4 v.1-3


Behold, the day does come

Unto all, not just some

Day of the Lord it be

Burns as an oven, see

All the proud, all the wicked they

Shall be as stubble, fly away


For the day comes that shall

Burn them up, none shall tell

Of their place, says the LORD

It shall be as my word

Says, and they shall have no branch, root

Their evil deeds gone, not bear shoot(s)


But unto you that do

Fear the LORD\'s name, \'tis true

Unto you shall arise

Sune of righteousness, eyes

Shall then Him see, and with healing

In His wings wholeness, peace shall bring


You shall go forth and be

Like as calves of stall, free

You shall go forth, and then

Tread down the wicked men

They shall be ashes \'neath your feet

Separating the chaff from wheat