
Human Kind

Each day you die a little bit
So tell me, what is it that you seek the most?

Is it money, glory, hapiness, power, control?
Have you ever wondered what is your true nature?
What type of duality you have in your heart?

I once lived in the dark
It was cold and sad
That pain in my chest
and the bitter taste in my mouth

I swallowed a try

I vomited toxic poison

A life within this body wasn\'t a life
A life within this body was a prison

So, did you survive?
I did
I thrived

I won the plate medal of courage
I let the light in
The mold started to vanish
But it never truly left me

Inside me, there is a racing track willing for a hot mark of tire, warm, burning
but different
It isn\'t kindness or love trying to appear
It is the feeling of rage and fear
rising from the bottom and fed by the world I now live in.

Welcome to the reality, so confusing, so sad
eyes open
eyes closed
Doesn\'t really matter
We are trapped in the claws of profanity
oh... it\'s called... human kind.