
Magnificat Musings

Tune: We Three Kings

(\'We three kings of Orient are\')

Luke 1 v.46-55

The \'Magnificat\' - Mary\'s song of praise


Mary said, My soul magnifies

Exalts the Lord, to Him does rise

And my spirit too has rejoiced

In God my Saviour, voiced



O this be the Magnificat

Mary\'s song of praise, \'tis that

Great joys, she the Christ-child would bear

He the Son of God most fair


For the Lord has regarded sure

Estate of His handmaid, low, poor

For behold, from henceforth shall all

Peoples me e\'er blessed call - Chorus


For He that is mighty has done

Great things to me, even His Son

I shall bear by His appointing

Let earth and heaven sing - Chorus


Holy is His name, His mercy

Is on all that fear Him, it be

Ever to each generation

Folk of every nation - Chorus


He has showed strength here with His arm

Scattered those who would do us harm

Those proud in vain imaginings

He sure their downfall brings - Chorus


He has put down mighty from seats

Exalted the lowly, them greets

He has filled hungry with good things

They bring Him offerings - Chorus


Rich He has sent empty away

Has helped Israel now and alway

Israel His servant, His mercy

He has remembered free - Chorus


This His promise He does fulfil

Works it out now in His good will

As He spoke to Abraham*, so

Blessings his children know - Chorus


* Genesis 17 v.7 promise: \'And I the LORD will establish my covenant between

you (Abraham) and your descendants after you in their generations for an

everlasting covenant, to be a God unto you, and to your descendants after you\'.