
Help For Homeless

Tune: Diademata

(\'Crown Him with many crowns\')


Christ, homelessness did know

An inn-keeper did show

A stable, manger, at His birth

Yet still there joy and mirth

For He the Saviour born

Upon first Christmas morn

Mary, Joseph, and animals

Looked out from pens and stalls


And in His life at times

Were unsettled the rhymes

Not cosy, easy, comforting

Though life He did all bring

Look on your world, Lord, see

Where true homelessness be

And grant your aid, direct, inspire

To meet needs of the hour


Lighten with your light pure

Illuminate us sure

To seek for justice and for right

Each precious in your sight

Rich in their mansions high

And poor, not far, but nigh

How comes to each estate, you know

And their current life so


Helping vulnerable

And poor, may we hear call

To do what we can in your name

Not to accuse or blame

For all life\'s areas

You know, share in their cares

In your love, basic dignity

To each human there be