A wonderful waste of time.
It seems that\'s all I can be.
A distraction, a burden, an unnecessary thing,
those are the roles been given to me.
A unwanted, useless sort.
Just a drain on things of value.
A wasted lot of a broken whole,
with nothing I can give you.
That may be all I’m any good for,
just being a bother for any else.
Perhaps it would just be better,
if I stick to my own hells?
A wonderful waste of time.
It\'s all I\'ve ever been, my friend.
I\'m sorry for having wasted your time,
but I promise you that\'s at an end.
For I promise now I\'ll be more useful,
and do better, more important things.
I\'ll find a way to not just be a waste,
and find what value I can bring.