Gary Edward Geraci

Climbing steps implies a journey of sorts...

You want to know, after I’ve ingested Him,

you know, whether I will become different,




          capable of working wonders...


If so, then maybe there’s something to all this after all.

If not, well then don’t you see, it’s all got

to be some kind of hoax and all those people

who don’t believe in “the real presence”, (as you say)

are right after all.


Well, I can tell you the truth...


I don’t feel a bit of difference at all in that moment...


Unless I’m communing with Him in deep prayer...


        You’ve got to “know”

                  the One

          you’re in love with


but that’s the point it’s not an immediate affect change effect or feeling that is so readily apparent to others rather it’s who you are slowly becoming by the very food you are choosing to eat and over time that change it’s going to be apparent to any one who’s really taken the time to get to know you like each and every poem you’ve ever written turns out to be in itself a critical piece of the overall anatomy not one any less important than the other read together each part defining the whole


And it becomes glaringly gloriously joyously apparent to oneself.


-Gary Edward Geraci