

When flights to foreign fields

Spread their wings without you

Remember that you are harnessed 

By your own land.


When you haul your prized skeleton 

Across the mossy, dank hillside 

Whilst your back is caressed by the collected


Remember that you are anchored

to that solid hillside.


When you believed that the 

thing you craved was the 

hand hold of an exotic 


Remember that you are harnessed 

to this dark, cold entity

Of this familiar earth.


This place. This earth. This thing we call home.


When the sand storm globe of 

Your imagination 

Is shattered by the cruel fist of 


Remember that you are 

anchored by this hillside. 


When the fog obscures 

Your view of the hot Sun 

Remember your harness. 

Remember your anchor. 

You may have wished to spread your 

Toes on the uneven sand 

Yet found yourself instead 

Being held up by the hills 

Of home 

Remember it\'s your harness. 

Remember it\'s your anchor.