
Overcoming Loneliness

Anytime can be a lonely time of year,

no matter who you are.

There are different ways of being lonely.

Some may be loveless.

Some may be without family.

Some may be searching for answers.

Maybe some are dealing with all three.

It is not a sin to feel lonely.

Many of God\'s prophets at times felt as though,

they were by themselves.

Jesus himself at a time felt alone.

I am not writing this piece to be a downer.

Rather, quite the opposit.

I am writing this to assure you,

that Christ is always with us.

Not that I am taking away from anybody,

but no one can feel the experience of loneliness,

more than those that serve the Lord.

Many times we are looked as outcasts,

or sometimes feel as though we are looked at,

as outcasts.

Still, God hates to see us feel lonely.

We, his people, should feel many things but.

We as in anybody, are not meant to be alone,

whether we have friends, a spouse,

family, the Holy Spirit, or all of the above.

In the beginning God let us know,

that we were not meant to be alone.

Soon after Christ died,

he told us that he would leave us,

with a helper.

Now do not be misled.

Everything happens in God\'s timing.

I know we may become impatient sometimes.

... and understandably so.

We may become depressed.

We may become anxious.

We may become board.

Sometimes we cannot sleep,

or maybe we sleep to much.

It can feel as if we are living in a rut.

Nevertheless, we must remember,

that Christ is always with us.

Sometimes even that may feel hard for some.

That is why we must develope,

a relationship with the Lord.

David who was one of the most productive,

accomplished, and well known kings,

to this date felt his share of loneliness,

but as a man after God\'s own heart,

he knew that the Lord was his shephard.

and that it was him,

who made him to lie down in green pastures,

and led him beside the still waters.

Sometimes we may want to overcome,

loneliness our own way,

but we must know that we are never alone.

Christ takes care of us.

We must look to the heavens,

and keep our eyes to the hills.