Aa Harvey





The grief of loss, when death is the cost,

Is soul destroying, when you know they are gone.

We used to cross the water together;

We ran so fast in any weather.

We will have our place, forever and ever

And nothing will replace those memories.



We built a bridge to cross the river.

We created a land called Terabithia

And now I walk here with my sister,

Where once upon a time my love walked with me;

Now I only miss her.



I haven’t cried this hard in ages.

It breaks my heart to turn the pages.

I want to see beyond this end,

But the story has not finished yet.



I cannot talk to her anymore;

Where once we ran through our own world

And now she is gone, the beautiful girl.

The Dragon Flies that kept us safe; they are flying no more.



(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.