Kurt Philip Behm

Wounded And Free (+3)

Honing the blade of life’s

 greatest adventure


The edges were sharp

 with the meaning inspired


It shaved like a razor

 as days became short


The last cut the deepest

  —left wounded and free


(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2018)



Feasting On Famine


Feeding on my hunger

 the days were longer still


That yet to come and still undone

 left victim to my will


Starvation my horizon

 its emptiness on fire


Unending pangs my souls repast

 —a famine to inspire


(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2018)



Last Doubt


Each breath gets me closer,

 as the past moves away


With choices much clearer,

  turning night into day


One meaning unchosen,

 its Angel benign


Forever most willing

 —last doubt now divine


(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2018)

        From \'The Book Of Prayers\'



One Time Forever


The night retreats in silence,

  as daylight rules the fray


Darkness reigns the past goodbye

  this moment not a dream


The present all we’re given

 the future lies astray


Repeating truth inside itself

 —one time forever means


(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2018)