Tune & Hymn: \'Angels from the realms of glory\'
Matthew 1 v.18-25
Hear the tale of Jesus\' birth, this
Is story of joy and bliss
When His mother Mary betrothed
To Joseph, it was behoved
Ma--ry, she would bear
Jesus, Christ-child fair
E--mman--uel, God in human life does share
Mary was a virgin, chaste, pure
Joseph acted to be sure
That she be not defamed, disgraced
For the way ahead she faced - Chorus
Then an angel in a dream said
To Joseph, son of David
Fear not, take as your wife Mary
Bears Christ by the Spirit, see - Chorus
And she shall bring forth a son, He
His name it shall JESUS be
Name of Saviour, for His people
He shall save from their sins all - Chorus
This was done, prophecy fulfilled
It was all done as God willed
Prophet Isaiah said, Behold
Good tidings to you be told - Chorus
So Joseph did wake from his dream
Did as the angel did deem
Took Mary to wife, then JESUS
Born Christmas morn, born ot us - Chorus