

The rain erupts from the splitting sea of clouds

Free falling from the sunless sky into the weary crowds

I watch the black mass slowly grow smaller and smaller

I watch the smiles quickly grow smaller and smaller


I step outside into the blistering rain

Rain and teardrops become indistinguishable from the pain

Water rooting into my clothes

Water searing against my skin


I stand in the windy street with a stream rushing pats

Snatching away an ocean of flowers, I stand aghast

In the corner of my eye, I see a child run ahead

Rescuing them, one by one, thread by thread


I step outside into the blistering rain

A raging fire within my soul blooms

Drowning away the pain

A single smile breaks through the gloom


A ray of light shatters the wall of doubt

Masses turn to see the sun come out

Within them, a raging fire blooms

Hope breaks through the gloom


Flowers wash up on shore, glowing under the sunlight

Watching the fears from before, wilting under the sunlight