
How Can I Let You Go?

How can I let you go? when you are the only one who I gave my heart to.

did I ever mean a thing to you or was I just a game to you?

I gave you one thing that no other girl can give you and that was real love.

I was there when everyone turned their backs on you.

I was the one who kept you afloat when I let myself drown.

I loved you more than I loved myself. so how can you play me like that?

what did I do that made you want to break my heart and make me feel like I didn\'t give everything you need.

I was that girl that gave you everything and you left me there with tears in my eyes

Pain in my heart 

Darkness in my soul

I was an angel but you turned me into a cold-hearted beauty

How can I let you go, when all I ever wanted is to be in your arms 

How can I ever let you go?