Michael Edwards








Welcome to Adle your friendly supermarket.


Will a member of staff please proceed to aisle 5

where a pile of empty boxes has fallen over and is blocking access.      


We are now opening checkout 3 for your convenience

please proceed to checkout 3 and start unloading your shopping.


Aisle 6 is closing as the floor is iced over due to a fault on the chill unit

we apologise for any inconvenience.


Today we have a 50% reduction on the price of Bodgers Whisky

Located behind  a pile of boxes on aisle 5.


Will a member of the till staff please proceed to checkout 3 where customers are waiting.


We are now offering two packets of frozen pawns for the price of one

you will find them  located under the ice in aisle 6.


We are now opening checkout 2 for your convenience

please proceed to checkout 2 and start unloading your shopping.


We are now closing checkout 3

will you please gather your shopping and proceed to checkout 2..


We have a lost mummy at the customer desk

if she is your mummy please come to the desk and reclaim her.


Will a member of staff please proceed to checkout 2 where customers are waiting.


Will a member of staff proceed to aisle 6

where customers are using Waitrose bags to slide on the ice.


Will the member of staff drinking a bottle of Bodgers at checkout 2

please report to the manager immediately.


We  are now closing checkout 2 please proceed to checkout 3

where a member of staff will be with you shortly.


The store is closing in 10 minutes time

We hope you have enjoyed shopping with us today.