The terms of your indecision
—written in the blood of your repetition
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
the historic steroid
—of an enlightened past
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Laissez Faire
the great currency
inside my literary account
the letters of credit
—freeing me to spend
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
My Faith Will Move On
My cupboards a mess,
my sink filled with lye
My stables now empty,
my well has gone dry
My pastures left fallow,
my timber all burned
My streams have been fished out,
and what have I learned
The cupboard can be restocked,
the sink can be cleaned
A new well can be dug,
a new colt can be weaned
As the dams are reopened,
new roe will then spawn
These troubles will pass
—and my faith will move on
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
‘From The Book Of Prayers’
As Night The Day
Do your politics define you…
are your views then left or right?
Does the axe you grind cut sharp and clean
or tear into the night?
Do the precepts that you claim to own
just end up owning you?
Is every word what you believe
—and to thine self be true?
(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2019)
Those Places You Fear
My mind often visits
those places you fear
My soul, my protectress,
my words as my spear
My voice now a fortress
from oncoming attack
My spirit embracing
—those feelings you lack
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
The World In Denial
Old men making deals
the young taking bullets
Politicians to steal
no one to prevent it
Athletes and rappers
sit on the throne
Parents and teachers
their message disowned
Freedom on trial
both inside and out
The world in denial
—all truth cast in doubt
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
The Cost
Those chances I take
transfigure my brain
The risk and reward
metaphysically the same
They rush through my spirit
all fear on the run
Transformation now total
—the cost zero-sum
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
The Minefield
Public exposure…
part of the game
Open disclosure…
paid for with pain
A window through time
opened once and then closed
Immortality’s portal
—the minefield you chose
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)