
Red Alert! Humans Have Hijacked Sheepdom

Awaken fellow sheep! A new beast has evolved

Sheeple their breed, in our skins enveloped

Unthinking like us, happily ruminating

Staring into nothing, loath to cogitating

Creating trinkets, turning them to gods

Obeying their junk, as we do our dogs


There’s a billion or so of us

Mostly in China, not the US

Our tongue they call baa baa

Their talk to us just bla bla

Name calling’s a human thing

For ovine folk, bells a-tinkling


The truly dumb among them

Are tagged “sheep”, trust me when

I say our numbers have just grown

By millions; what stats to bemoan!

For them we’re food and clothing

Persons fused with “sheep”, for us not flattering


Myriads follow thoughtlessly

What their leaders say hastily

And they die for those at the helm

Not even nourished nor nursed by them

From their wars, survivors return

As heroes, with medals none dare spurn


Their wars mostly vicious, killing myriads

Dead or maimed for untold periods

Later abandoned, for other “sheep” to replace

Fake heroes ready to take their place

Fallen ones left by the wayside

Onto life’s many jarring rides

Asking what hit them, yet sheep they deride


Our main fights seen, when rams

Butt heads, watched by ewes and lambs

To impress future mates

For life cycle’s sake

With no more than a headache

As casualties for all who partake


Self- and Other- abuse, a human trait

Extending to sheep, we won’t tolerate

Guarding sheep rights can’t wait

Break their fences, shoo their dogs

Before they take us for hopeless frogs

Let them know, sheep they will not flog!


Since sheepdom\'s beginning

No ovine war launching

Happy to graze, keep reproducing

Don’t get humanish, fellow sheep!

Else misery will creep

In your lives to fill with grief


©Alwi Shatry, All Rights Reserved, July 9, 2017