

I know, but I ask,

because I am confused.

Where is God?

People put him away,

because he will not amuse.

People no longer pray,

because God,

won\'t grant them,

their request.

Because they do not,

have a new car,

they become upset.

The world says being independent,

is something to take pride in.

Yet, those who are independent,

loose it all,

because they do not have,

the Lord\'s guidance.

Men not wanting,

to be, \'tied down\',

are cheating on their wives,

not knowing that,

the family knows,

about all of his lies.

Married women,

adopting children together,

only because,

they have something to prove,

not considering,

the children\'s well-being,

and how their mind,

will be affected too.

Anti-Christs are willing,

to go out of their way,

to sue other Christians,

because it offends them,

when they pray.

Even those,

identified as Christians,

tend to obsess with being rich,

as they listen to, 

\'prosperity gospel\',

to learn all the tricks.

With diamond, and white gold,

cross earings,

they say that they,

are representing Christ.

It\'s sad because,


salvation is free,

but as for those nice earings,

five-thousand dollars,

was the price.

Still, please do not comment,

to try and put down,

other people.

I am not writing this,

to critisize.

That honestly is not,

my intent,

when I have something stuck,

in my own eye.