Joanna Garrido

Winter Scene

Pretty lacy snowflakes swirling and spiralling through the air, softly landing

A myriad of different shapes and sizes

I laugh as one lands on my nose. Marvel at how these delicate airborne creations have built snow to the knees - we sink in it as we walk and leave deep footprints. I try to step in your deeper footprints. My breath hangs in the air, little wisps of cloud before me.

Overnight, white Winter, with cold heart has touched the land with her icey fingers and left a wonderland behind.  The stream is covered in ice, and translucent hard pointed jewels hang where yesterday, the waterfall cascaded.   The bare arms of the trees are painted in white as Winter brushed against them on her rush to cover the land.  

Wrapped up warm, we enjoy the winter scenery as we sink in snow making our way home. Because of the cold and snow, home feels extra comforting. It’s a pleasure to warm our hands before the fire, snuggle up with mugs of piping hot tea, through the window watch the snowflakes tumble like little lacy acrobats.

14/01/19 JG