Tune: Richmond
(\'City of God, how broad and far\')
Mark 1 v.40-45
A leper comes to Jesus, he
Beseeches Him, kneels, see
Said, Lord, if you will, you can make
Me clean, my disease take
Jesus moved was with compassion
For this, an outcast one
Put forth His hand and did him touch
Untouchable were such
He said, I will; be clean, and then
At His touch, word, was when
The leprosy immediately
Departed, cleansed was he
Jesus said then to tell no one
Not any daughter, son
But to go his way, the priest show
And offerings bestow
Offering as be in the Law
To show his cleansing sure
As a testimony, witness
That it too others bless
Yet he did tell, did blaze abroad
These doings of the Lord
So much that Jesus could no more
Open way safe ensure