
Restless Sleep


Within a slumber deep and dark 

I journey through a memory lost

A barren landscape dry and stark, 

burned by fire, crushed by frost


I stumble on the ancient walls 

of a once forbidden state,

And wander through the empty halls 

that held their history of hate.


Silent slabs of melted flesh 

are bent upon the giants back,

A golden thread, a silver mesh, 

a jewel encrusted iron wrack.


The sun falls to these weeping lands 

that stretch their stamen to the sky

And in an instant lays it hands 

upon the fields that pray to die.


The moon in all her glorious might 

shines forth upon a world that\'s dead

And in the glimmer of her light 

the angel bows his weary head.


She whispers in the vales of death 

beyond the pinnacles of fire

And with her last remaining breath 

she weaves her magic of desire.


The dry and trembling mountain side 

is cast upon a wilted lake

And where the sweetened waters hide 

begins to wither and to quake.


The molten image where I walk 

is nurtured in this aching night

And as the rocks begin to talk 

the dragon spreads his wings in flight.


I float across a sea of light 

that hides the dream I left behind,

And wonder in these depths of night 

what nightmare visions I may find.