Seed of discontent
Cocooned in a fog of hatred
Flailing to create some space
To reason with the discontented
To bring harmony and grace
The words don\'t seem to matter
And actions all fall short
When the seed of discontent
Is entrenched in every thought
How do I escape this fog
How do I gain some space
How do I extol some harmony
And stop this awful chase
The seed of discontent has sprouted
The roots of division are strong
From each other\'s point of view
The other is staunchly wrong
Where is this silent majority
What happened to reasoning
They seem to have surrendered
Scared of being coined \'Appeasing\'
The extremes have hijacked
The slightest desire to compromise
And would seem to rather relish
A state of total confusion
The majority has become complacent
And the calmer voices are drowned
As those on the fringes are screaming
Ensuring, there is no common ground
If the voice of reasoning
Doesn\'t stop the downward spiral
All will surely succumb to
A state of mutual destruction
It\'s easier not to participate
And not to get involved
Then we are only strengthening
Those voices of discontent
It is mentally exhausting
And totally out of frustration
We seem to have surrendered
To the seed of discontent.