Kurt Philip Behm

The Present Calls (+9)

Unstop the drain

  kiss the pain

  let nature run its course


Trip the wire

  start the fire

  new vision at its source


Time unstrung

  past on the run

  tomorrow lies to all


Hearts open wide

  the moment flies

   —past memory to recall


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)


Two Warriors


The last bout of the night

  two warriors would fight

  with legends

  now at hand


Feet and fists wrapped

  their spirits attacked

  and of their bodies

  they would demand


Each kick got higher

  as two hearts aspired

  to what lay just beyond

  their grasp


And as the referee sounded

  over hearts that still pounded

  only the best of each other

    —had they asked


(Seoul Korea: August, 1976)







“We’re all human” my Grandmother

    used to say

     —some of us are just more human than others


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)



Darkness Disowned


Since you left

 —poetry has become my lover


Since you left

 —long days have turned to moments


Since you left

 —all memory lives organic


Since you left

 —the words return unfettered


Since you left

 —the sun has lost its shadow


And since you left

  —all darkness now disowned


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)



The Change


The way you think

  may not change


But the way you feel

  about those thoughts

   —certainly will


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)





I’m not part of

  any movement


Or adhere to

  any Regent


I don’t follow

  any rules


That aren’t in most part

  my own


I don’t

  attempt to teach


Or begin

  to preach


A stronger




  what you’ve sewn


I don’t typecast



Or look for



Under the cover

  of my thoughts


In the darkness

  of my room


I don’t criticize



Or tear apart your



Asking only the same

  from you


As you sit upon

  your loom


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)



Toward The Light


Rejecting the parts

The whole became


In the absence of


The remnants of

Confusion and chaos


The way

Toward the


And the man

I would again



(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)



Why Not


If a boy, 

  why not a poet


If a poet,

  why not a warrior


If a warrior,

  why not a hero


If a hero

 —why not a man


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)



A Melody Unsung


Can you be distracted by the critic

  or the public acclaim


Can you see through the fire

  and renew all that’s burned


Can you look past the signposts

  and those messages fixed


Can your heart stay undamaged

  as the world tempts your soul


Can you run through loud voices

  with yours still unspoken


Can you make it to tomorrow

  without leaving today


Can you give love to those hateful

  with vengeance recalled


Can you carry your grandfather’s words

  into the land of the unborn


Can you hang up your spear

  inside the enemy camp


Can you live to see the beginning

  and the end die at last


Can your voice remain pure

  neither bartered nor loaned


Can you listen through the smoke

   —for a melody unsung


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)




Your Mistress Defiled


Has your violence

 taken you to places

 I’ve not been?


Or driven you

 to things

 I’ve not seen?


Was your soul

 mired in conflict

 once raised from the dead?


Were your walls

 built to fortify

 excuses and blame?


Have your choices

 been forged by

 damnation and fear?


Did love matter at all

 when it cried

 through the pain?


Could you still hear its voice

 on those darkest

 of nights?


Are those places you


 in tribute now shamed?


Did your victims

 kneel down

 their heads bowed in defeat?


Was mercy rejected

 your mistress



Has your violence

 taken you to places

 I’ve not been?


Or driven you

 to things

 I’ve not seen?


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)