
Pathways... -Poem

Time moves forward, holding their breath

in silence, their mindful thinking, choices

Unlimited, struggling to find the truth.

They’re waiting for a sign, something-

Anything to make them feel. They don’t

Know where to go from here.

Choking on air seeming thin; they look

Harder for meaning & they

Know it doesn’t exist in themselves.

How many times of falling apart inside

While saving face? The mask holds strong

Against the wind coursing through

& it doesn’t make a crack. They hear of

Others who know, see, feel the same

As if making it less, going down,

Lost within, not ready to make

A change that could break what

Is known. They think that

Maybe they should have stopped,

Given up on the idea of

That which could bring pain & grief.

Knowing it won’t help. They wonder

What’s the point of life, this world of nothing,

The sorrow, the death, the believing they

Won’t amount to much, the struggle of

Right and wrong, the tired of trying

When lies & truth are hidden, how they

Realize it doesn’t matter, everything ends.