
Like A Rushing Wind

As I have said,

there will soon,

be a revival.

I am confident in that.


until that time comes,

I must write,

to the few churches,

that are still truely,

spreading the gospel.

I commend you,

\'teachers of the Word\'.

I know it is not easy.

The pressure may be hard.

Sometimes, you may be,

hard pressed to give up.

Still, remain steadfast.

I know there are days,

when the church pews are empty.

The decons and bishops,

have moved on,

to accept, \'other jobs\', as preachers.

God will deal,

with them accordingly.

It seems no one is there,

to hear the gospel.

Yet, I commend you.

I commend you,

for spending your hours at night,

throughout the week,

writing sermons,

and studying the word,

and for showing up,

every Sunday,

to do the Lord\'s work.

Still, it will not be for long.

A revival,

a world revival will be here soon.

So remain steadfast,

in the Lord.

Continue your preaching,

and soon the pews,

of the church will be filled.