kevin browne

I\'ve Ran Over Water.

I\'ve ran over water, I\'ve flown through the clouds
There have been magic carpets
I\'ve done all the things I\'m not allowed
I\'ve climbed over icebergs barefoot
I\'ve walked along Einstein where he once stood
I\'ve blown up some bombs and a few missiles
There were times when I ran 300 miles
I\'ve sung to the Heavens when I was dead
I lay down beside mouths which have never been fed
I\'ve cursed over nothing, and then there was none
There were the times when I let off my gun
Camping on fires with the forest alight
I slept up a mountain for 100 more nights
I was killed by a car, I was eaten by a cat
And, the blood that I have turned out dead flat
I\'ve worn a 3 piece without a top hat and tail
I\'ve cut my life in half, but it still wouldn\'t sell
Then there were corners which straightened me up
I\'ve been in the ring and shown Ali my gloves
Dizzy and dosy was when I was asleep
I hung from a wall upside down by my feet
I\'ve been on my own, a jet harrier I\'ve flown
Then I was known, but I left it alone
I\'ve dug up the feilds, and I fell over a pyramid
I wrote Shakespeare a story and said what he did
If I was true, I\'ve lit up the sky
if I wasn\'t then I\'d give it a try
I\'ve looked up to God and asked him why
I\'ve stopped all the children to learn how to cry
The dictionary is full, so I wrote it again
I stopped, and I started but took all the blame
I wore some old shoes, and I heard the news
I\'ve sung Hallelujah while singing the blues
And when I was King, I gave it a go
And just for you, I think you should know
I\'ve started a fire using pure sand
I decided I\'m not too sure about being so bland
I\'ve saved my baldness, and I saved the Earth
I did everything which I thought was a worth
I pulled down on the moon and kissed its face
I burned up the Sun and built it a new place
I\'ve left you alone to read you this
If ever you want to then grant me a wish
I\'ve ducked, and I\'ve dived
With all the Rolls Royces I drive
If I write you a letter then, please can I leave
I\'ll tell you one thing I wear my heart on my sleeve.