Collide with me in the sunset sea
As you drape your arms around me
Rekindled hearts and forgotten parts
Our feelings set before thee.
Shelved memories and amputated scars
Hitting my head on the roof of your car
Is the only pain I did not foresee.
Regrets of pain I can consent
Regrets of tears in which I cannot repent.
But to not regret is that I did not forget
The serenity that you brought in me.
I cannot bid my part
Though you have bludgeoned my heart
And numbed every single body part.
You have broken the trust
Due to your trauma with lust
But to blame will not ever occur.
And although you have left the pot to boil
And have feared to plant seeds in the soil
I hold faith that is is fixable turmoil.
To thank you is infinite
To love you is definite
But if you are gone
With a bullet in my chest
I will cough up my blood
And wish you the best.