Hidden emotion



It’s crazy that no one will know how I feel 

I put my thoughts out there but just so I can understand them 

I don’t know why I think other people get it 

They are not me 

They don’t have the same brain as me 

They can’t see what I see 

Feel what I feel 

Understand what I do 

Yet I open my heart to them 


It makes me a good person? 

To who? 

Everyone sees me for what I am 

I don’t know why I hide behind a smile 

I guess I can understand why it’s the happiest people that pass 

Because it’s never really happiness 

It’s the sadness getting Buried

Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there 

Just because you see a smile doesn’t mean it’s actually there 

I feel i I wear a mask 

I want to be free 

I want to understand what free is 

Why did I have to be a person 

Life is hard 

Why couldn’t I be a bird 

Big or small 

I can be free with the only worry of getting shot down 

In life there’s more to being shot down 

Because u can get shot down a million times 

And I try to get up and I do 

But I always wonder why 

Why do I get up 

Why am I here for another day 

Is it really worth it 

Am I really worth it?