
Waiting for Cancer

Waiting for Cancer


Today we were friends

Then became strangers again

Living in a city full of danger and pain

Waiting for cancer


Today we were lovers

For a brief moment in time

Living in a city full of losers and shame

Looking for answers


Today we were victims

Then we were rescued again

Living in a city full of rumour and stains

Waiting for freedom


Today we were voyeurs

Then were martyred again

Living in a city full of slander and guilt

Waiting for purpose


Today we were judged by the guilty 

Living in a city full of psychos and claims

Waiting for retribution


Today we drew the short straw

Then were surplus to requirements

Living in a city full of prophets and blame

Waiting for religion


Today we are but a memory

Consigned to a handful of albums and history

No longer waiting for cancer

Waiting for nothing