Joseph M Marion

To all ladies encouragement

To all woman,
you all shine such strength and courage,
come out and grace the world with your presents,
The shine of your eyes,
the natural beautiful and rhythm in your body,
you radiance shows everywhere you go,
You don’t even need try to look perfect it just happens,
No expensive cloths ,
No expensive toys,
No fake fronts,
You glow naturally, and in presents of all the passion for life and it’s quest show,
you know what your capable of and all you are, and those who watch are in awe, jealous of the vary pureness you are,
You do not become unglued by any part of life when is get crude,
Cool calm you stay in the endless persistency of perfection you are,
you know very well where you want to go and what to do and how to do it,
You are beyond joy to watch,
an inspiration to all,
your purest soul an endless ability.
To all beautiful ladies, I tell you
let all who your are shine through,
your eyes speak no lies to truth you are,
Untainted by negatives of life by others who are shrewd or bad to you,
You don’t even look at them your confidence spews from you,
This is what catches the best men it’s what they look for not all paint perfume and more.
They seek one of a kind one who’s shows all she’s is and not afraid to show it,
There’s a match for every woman one man will take you by your hand and love who you are at your purest form.