O.G. Tone

I AM A KING ...I $AID !!!!!

Take your fucken lily white ivory poaching hands 

Off of my Black skin European 

Do you not know whom I be sir

Would you care to know where I come from 

The history of my family 

The Royal blood line

That runs through my vains 

The rich culture of my country 

We are God  Chosen people sir

We mean  No harm to our  Allies

Do you care to know why my hands are so big

You seem surprised 

My hands are a shovel 

I meaning my people 

Dug my way out of the burning sand

Of Cairo 

Carried red clay mud

For Millions of miles it seemed 

 I meaning my people 

Reached the outer banks of Uganda 

Where I meaning my people 

Formed a unilateral colony of liked minded 

Intelligent people 

Scientists, Doctors,  Masons 

Do you understand we were never meant 

To be another mans slave 

We have moved Mountains 

In the name of  Allah

Built  Pyramids that reached the  Heavens

We parted the sea  

With just our bare hands 

We are GOD\'S 

We have all the material things 

A man can ever want

Gold, silver,  diamonds  

We are a Rich people 

Culturely, physically, mentally 

The ultimate truth is

You can never own a person like me

How can you own a legacy 

A tribe of brilliant people 

We were here before JESUS CHRIST 

Was ever born

You know my history know

So kill me with your Cancer 

I don\'t fucken care

I know my truth