



Without any doubt

All the village boys wanted her

Those with a pulse

Pubes and piercings 

Did anyway

The rest were either far too young

Or too old to contemplate

What they knew 

To be unobtainable

Even those feral twins

Who every now and then

Seemed to live in the waste bin

Behind Nikolai\'s Cafe

Or then and now

In the cool shadows beneath 

The rogue mimosa and apricot trees

They all wanted her

Much more to the point

Regardless of age or creed 

We were all intrigued

By the crash of falling stars

Tattooed across the sharpness of

Her right hip and which disappeared

Beneath the very low cut waistline 

Of her jeans or skirt

Whichever she decided to wear

And for what occasion

Tis true we all wanted her


Most days Mirislavka would only serve 

Strong black coffee

Fresh fruit, local beer or Rakia

But yesterday was different

She called me over

On the pretext of helping shift

A crate of Kamanitsa

From one place to another

When we eventually got there

She showed me where 

Those stars of hers did both begin 

To rise and fall

And of course their final destination


On that particular occasion

Mirislavka tasted vaguely of

The Black Sea, wild mountain sage 

And of course mint

A most unlikely combination

But one no other village boy 

Had ever savoured

Today those high Slavic cheek bones

Almond eyes and olive skin

Still compliment her hair

The precise colour of a ravens wing

And not surprisingly

All the village boys still want her...