Kurt Philip Behm

University (+10)

Larcenous validator

  of all truth unto itself


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2015)



Cemetery Of Dreams


We’ve allowed our cities

  to turn into jungles


And now act surprised

  when the animals bite and maim




     “The new ‘Heart Of Darkness’

        the hunted unfree


      “Our surprise at their rebellion

        but the blame plain to see


      “A planned isolation

        the haves from have not’s


      “Now a cemetery of dreams

        —for dark progeny to rot”


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2015)



Time Indentured


Walking the line,

  each step unmeasured and long


Walking the line,

  memories distant and gone


Walking the line,

  time seemed forever to last


Walking the line,

  the future indentured

   —to the past


(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2015 )



What Heaven Sent


I\'ve walked at a peculiar



As I\'ve laughed at peculiar



I\'ve aged in the most peculiar

of vacuums


And went on to love in the most

normal of ways


I\'ve worked in a spirit

of defiance 


As I\'ve traveled the many miles

from compliance


I\'ve lived within the confines

of the moment


And written of those things I

could never speak


I\'ve seen the footsteps of



Made by the intrepid feet of the

smallest of men


As the mirrors of my past have risen

in blind reflection


I\'ve come face to face with

the only adversary I will ever fear


I\'ve asked the age old questions

knowing there are no answers


I’ve taught the unschooled a language

they will teach again


I have vowed to seek recovery

for what the iconoclasts have broken


Until truth reclaims from power

  —what was heaven sent


(Philadelphia Airport: August 1st, 2015)




Oft Times


Oft times,

The smallest of things

Are the biggest of all


Oft times,

The softer you land

The harder you fall


Oft times,

Life is a present

Tied with ribbon and lace


Oft times,

The one’s you ignored

In your dreams have a face


Oft times,

The beginning and end

Join together attached 


Oft times,

Those doors that you locked

With new love come unlatched


Oft times,

The family lost

In new loyalty found


Oft times,

The things that you\'re not

  —free your world to go round


(Airplane To Las Vegas: August 1, 2015)



Imprisoned Within


When their finest work gets

  left behind


The great are often



Remembered only in

  metaphors of orphancy


Imprisoned within the brilliance

   —of a distant light


(Las Vegas Nevada: August, 2015)



At The End


Taking a last breath inside

  the final moment


All perception at once



   —never to be released again


(Las Vegas: August, 2015)




That Final Thing


Beyond genius

  the spirit flies

Beyond genius

  the mood decries

Beyond genius

  no courses rowed

Beyond genius

  all time disowned

Beyond genius

  the map refolds

Beyond genius

   a world untold

Beyond genius

  the critics gasp

Beyond genius

   no serpent asp

Beyond genius

  the telling stops

Beyond genius

  no on—then off

Beyond genius

  all sight and sound

Beyond genius

  the square is round 

Beyond genius

  no lies are told

Beyond genius

  what’s new is old

Beyond genius

  the heavens sing 

Beyond genius

  —that final thing


(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2015)



Choosing Between


Can I still hate your politics

  and love your music


Do I have to hate your wife

  to feel your pain


Can I still love the message

  after rejecting its meaning


Do I have to choose between

  —again and again


(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2015)



The Renters Sin


Own that space

  you walk within


Show your face

  the same again


The facts will change

  the weather turn


But only deep

  within you’ll learn


To own that space

  you walk within


All fear delinquent

  —the renter’s sin!


(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2015)