Joseph M Marion

I asked God for just one

I ask God for one woman that call me her own

I asked him for one that wants as her own,
I asked him for one that honest truthful, trusting,loving,
I asked him for one that loves life and all nature has to offer, respect it all,
I asked him for one loves children and animals with greatest respect,
I asked him for one willing to work beside me with me not against me,
I asked him for one could give her self only to one man as I do for only her,
I asked him for one that was beautiful and voice of angles
I asked him for one that could just live life with me no matter what life throws at us,
I thought for a bit and requested him to send a real angle because I found no lady to suit me here on Earth that could do all that,
I sat cring because I believed he never surrender one of his angles just for me , who am I to ask such a favor,
But one day had he answered my prayers,
Beautiful she is head to toes,
With black eyes like none I’ve seen in my life, a walk like no woman can or man has seen a swagger in each step,
Every time you speak I can hear nothing else but your voice and world stands still, I become deaf to everything but your voice, your like magic,
When you touch me it does amazing things I can’t comprehend, all the visions of life for us that flashes before my eyes and mind and things that we are to do, I do not understand it all but all I know is you truly are one of a kind, like no other woman and they all can see it, they all know your different, greatest thing is your mine for ever beyond time.
My Creator told me treasure this woman with all your mind body soul, love only her,
Yes she is special, all I gave life to are, women are my sign from me life must go on,
I replied I would die to defend my angel, this I promise.