Painting myself into an emotional corner
feelings trapped and staid
Family eliminated one by one
old hurts and wounds replayed
Each year a brick in this wall of pain
to shield me from the loss
Isolation my next of kin
—love the only cost
(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2019)
The Cost
The more we are given
the more that gets taken away
As Stephen Hawking looks out
from his empowering inferno
His vision to create and inspire
Exhausts the very flame
—he lives to ignite
(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2015)
Can truth exist
within a vacuum
Can it stand alone
without listener or teller
Can its words contain value
left to themselves
Can its verity outlive
its many disciples
Can its hope transcend
all circumstance and change
Can truth given unto itself
—exist at all
(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2015)
If You Ask...
If you ask the right questions
expect silence to answer
When begging for the truth
—your poverty shows
(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2019)
On Spoken Wings
Have you done enough
Have you seen enough
Have you loved enough
—until an Angel sings
And the Heaven’s sigh
Your last goodbye
Your last goodbye
—on spoken wings
(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2015)