
Just A Second....!

Ohh, here in me mad world

Everything happens at the speed of light

That\'s 186,000 miles per second to you and me! 


I was thinking - what to do

If we ever have an extra second in the year

As we did a while ago?

I wanted to spread it out

Not spend it all at once!


I wanted to go to the Moon

But that\'s 238,000 miles away

It would take too long - about 1.3 seconds

I\'ve not got 0.3 of a second to spare - far too much time!

Then another 1.3 seconds to get home again

Plus all the time I actually stay on the Moon


Well, I\'ve suggestions - you got any too?

In that second I could maybe:

Eat 849 pork pies

Drink 643 sherries - with water added!

Read 846 poems - swoony ones!

Then Fido me watchdog will bark 846 times


Or take 257 trips to Australia and back

Or make 674 visits to the 99p Shop

Cos the Pound Shop is far too expensive!

Why, I would save £6.74 in a second

Makes sense to me!


Or watch this clip 842 times and spot Fido in it.....


I\'ve not worked out if all these things would be possible

I\'ve not done the calculations

Oh it\'s a fine old life in this old land

Cloud Cuckoo Land, that is! heehee