
Not All Art Goes Down in History

Listen clearly

I --

can only speak so loudly


Not All Art Goes Down in History.

I am not good enough,

my voice will never be loud enough

I will never be tall enough-

to see the tops of people heads as they

pass me by.


I sneak under-


and weave through

tight squeezes,


I can only go up from here.



I\'m just a little white girl that grew up just off shore from Chi-City

and I-

just fucking got here.


I only got a few dollars in my pocket


I got my Pup riding shotty

and we\'re already scaling rockie\'s



I don\'t need to be taller than you

to know I am stronger than you


I don\'t need to be louder than you

to know my voice is more powerful then you


My daddy taught me

\"Never mistake a quiet mouth for a quiet mind\"

he\'d lean to me

\"Its always the fools that flap baby\"


I put thought in my words

I put heart in my words


Don\'t take this discussion lightly

I\'m kind of quiet when you meet me.



I\'ve got

my eyes on the skies

and you

could never reach me



