
Transfiguration Time - Mark\'s Gospel (10)

Tune: Laos Deo

(\'Bright the vision that delighted\')

Mark 9 v.1-7


Jesus transfigured on the mount

There revealed His inward fount

His divine glory expounded

He by all men could be read


His raiment did become shining

Exceeding white, that nothing

On earth could give a brighter sight

Than His true and holy light


Peter, James, and John with Him there

In that event they did share

Moses and Elijah there too

Spoke of His decease anew


Peter said, It is good that we

Be here, and let us now, see

make three shelters, do here abide

In these places do reside


Then a voice come out of a cloud

God\'s presence it did enshroud

This is my beloved Son sure

Hear Him, he brings life e\'ermore


Guard our lips Lord, in our speaking

not to say just anything

When of fear we may say something

That will not of profit bring


But speaking your words of life, we

Show of your salvation free

Hearing words of your Son, they be

Words of life eternally